Reading is fun, but when it involves challenges, it can be adventurous.
So keeping that in mind GDGWS Reading Challenge team decided to host this event- GDGWS Reading Challenge 2021-22
The challenge was organized to nurture and breathe excitement into students’ reading lives. The challenge duration was five weeks, from January to February 2022.20 Schools participated across India and our neighboring country Nepal.
Reading Challenge Plan
There were 2 participants from 4 categories
Cat -1 Grade III Cat -2 Grade IV and V
Cat -3 Grade VI Cat -4 Grade VII and VIII
There were fun book-based activities and monthly book chats and discussions. This Reading Challenge was designed to inspire children to read more, reflect on and discuss their stories, and finally connect with other readers like themselves.
The reading schedule was shared at the start of the Reading Challenge in January 2022 to help the participants navigate their reading journey.
Students from each group participated in the competition. Each week, they read the prescribed titles, reflected, and shared their understanding while participating in different activities. The team members created colorful, creative, ePosters to create a buzz before the event.
Respective school librarians or the teacher in charge of the branch school ensured that the teams kept up with the reading and activity schedule. The activities ranged from technology integration, creativity, and critical thinking. Here’s the description of the activities conducted for different categories.
Category 1 and 2
Activity 1 -The Story continues… Expand a story
This reading activity provided a way to gather information; writing allowed students to show what they know, feel and be creative.
Activity 2 –Twist the Tale
To embark upon the second activity of the event, students had an opportunity to be witty, sarcastic, humorous, and creative. The students added a twist to their chosen story.
Activity 3 – Create a book jacket
Students designed their version of a book jacket for the book they chose, giving the viewer an idea of its content and mood.
Activity 4- An illustrated retelling
Children got a chance to express clearly and recreate the story only through illustrations by using an ICT tool or freehand drawing.
Category 3 and 4
Activity 1- Create a Podcast
This activity prompted students to imagine a conversation between the protagonists of the books they read and created a podcast.
Activity 2- Write a letter to the character
Students wrote an email to the supporting character from the book that touched their hearts or caught their attention.
Activity 3- Movie – Book Comparison Video
This activity prompted students to think critically, dwell upon the differences between the books and movies of the same story, and create a movie that showed differences.
Activity 4-Interview with the Main Character 
Students interviewed the main characters seeking their view and perspective over any global issue today, comparing it with one during the World War II period and displaying it in a video.
It was amazing to see the efforts put by each group for every week’s activity. To indulge in an informative and interactive session storytelling session, we conducted by a storyteller Ms Nitika Datta for Cat 1 and 2, another session to understand the importance of reading “Reading is Healing” for categories 3 and 4.
We concluded the challenge with an inter-house quiz competition—the book-related activities/events. The winners of the overall competition received certificates of achievement.
Meenal Nijhawan.
GD Goenka World School, Gurugram.