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Neel on Wheels by Lavanya Karthik and Habib Ali

The book “Neel on Wheels” is about a child who is funny, imaginative, and creative and is not limited by his wheelchair. The story describes a strong relationship between the two siblings. It explores universal themes such as fears, the power of imagination, the bond between siblings, and the idea of everyday heroes. The author, Lavanya Karthik, notes that Neel’s wheelchair is a detail, not a defining characteristic. The book is written in simple verse and appeals to children and adults.

Author: Lavanya Karthik, Illustrator: Habib Ali, Publisher: Duckbill books, Grade: PreSchool – KG,Grade 1-3, Grade 3-5,  Age Group – 0- 4 years, Age: 5 -7 years, Age: 8-10 years

Language: Bilingual, Language (Hindi) English, Theme: Fears, Imagination, Wheelchair, Disability, Siblings.

Comprehension: Making inferences, Illustrations: water colours.



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