Share your knowledge.
It’s a way to achieve immortality.
By Dalai Lama
(1357 – 1419, high lama of Tibetan Buddhism)
“Librarians are working with their learning networks, defining the vision and values fundamental to their program. They challenge and engage teachers to consider themselves to be researchers who become interpreters instead of mere implementers of a curriculum framework”.
I have been associated with Pathways School Gurgaon (IB, CIS & NEASC Accredited) as Sr. Librarian since its inception in 2010. Actively engaged in domain activities and participated in TAISI & IBO CAT-3 Workshops for the past couple of years.
It was indeed a great pleasure delivering my first session at the Liferarian Virtual Conference 2020, the platform on the best practices of the library domain. The workshop’s agenda was developing a great connection of school patrons with the library in multiple ways. Most importantly, effective collaboration and integration amongst students, parents, and educators culminate in developing great school communities equipped with Learner profile attributes and ATL skills. This can be accomplished through conceptualizing and organizing innovative and creative Library sessions, workshops, National and International Events, celebrations, and reading programs both virtually and offline.
- Hosting Library Assemblies – Felicitating library patrons for creative skills –
Authors in Residence
Promising Poets
Reading Program Winners
- Maintaining vibrance in school communities via
Reading Lists
Interesting Reads
Navigation of the subscribed Library resources and Library Software
- Venturing into various Reading Programs, events, and activities such as
Readosaurus Reading Program
Reading Club
- Interschool virtual sessions on felicitating published author
Pathways organise ‘Published Author’ sessions in collaboration with schools during Literacy Fests.
- Interschool Collaboration
Virtual sessions based on ‘Book Advertisement’ activity wherein students from schools share their favorite books with their reflections on the padlet link
- Authors in Residence
Sessions by inhouse Student Authors
We should highlight Library pedagogical practices to Support IB standards and practices across the curriculum and ensure effective collaboration, integration, and resource development.
These practices will help align daily routine work in exploring new dimensions, learning new techniques, sharing and imparting various sessions and workshops that will change perspective, viewpoint, and approach towards a holistic understanding of the library domain.
As per my viewpoint, patrons should experience the joy of reading rather than the compulsion of reading; therefore, customization of library resources and practices should be based on one’s interest level and intellectual appetite.
Work cited list:
Knowledge Sharing. 23th Mar. 2021.
Seema Suryanshu
Senior Librarian
Pathways School Gurgaon